Arctic Sea Ice Retreat Fuels Boreal Forest Advance
NSF & Science, 2024
This graphic summarizes the findings of Dial et. al. paper on the correlation between receding Arctic sea ice and the northward advance of Alaska’s boreal forests, published in Science, February 2024. The increase of open water in the Arctic Ocean correlates with increased tree-ring growth, likely due to deeper snowpacks (because of increased moisture from open ocean waters), increased nutrient availability, and associated warmer temperatures.
I loved adding my artistic take to this story. The visual metaphor of melting sea ice turning into falling snow was a really fun way of visualizing the connections between sea ice retreat and forest advance.
Used as promotional and summary material for Dial et. al. article in Science: Arctic Sea Ice Retreat Fuels Boreal Forest Advance by Dial, Maher, Hewitt, Wockenfuss, Wong, Crawford, Zietlow, and Sullivan.
Graphite & digital, 2024